Big Birds
Gobble Gobble
Turkeys are much larger than chickens and everything they need is larger. Food, Shelter, Water and Space. Although some have raised chickens and turkeys together, I don’t recommend it. Chickens can carry the disease blackhead (often without symptoms) and once a turkey gets it, the chances of survival are very low – under 30%.
If you decide you want to raise turkeys, I recommend that before you invest in everything that you will need, visit someone who is already doing it. While they may not tell you all that you need to know, it will help immensely to see if turkeys are right for you.
These birds are intelligent and active. They are excellent flyers and will roam around your yard with such elegance that they quickly become pets. They can be very friendly and follow you in your yard, making it very difficult to move them from pet to food. They are not particularly good at protecting themselves, so a bit more care is needed than with other birds.
The heritage breeds can raise their young quite successfully. So for food security they can be an excellent addition to your home, if you have the space.
Things you should consider before bringing turkeys home. Do you have the space. Do you have a large enough shelter for them. Can you afford the food. If the answer is yes, they can be a lot of fun to have around the yard.
Other Breeds
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Bourbon Red
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Bronze Broad Breasted
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Giant White
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