Rhode Island Red
One Of The Most Successful Breeds In The World
Hardy & Healthy
Prolific Egg Layers
The state bird of Rhode Island. It was developed there in the late nineteenth century. But through time have been developed more for egg production. They are active foragers but will tolerate confinement. They have lots of personality and can even be a bit pushy. Roosters can be aggressive, but occasionally one can be mild and gentle, so pick the least aggressive one if children are around. While they usually are not great mothers, the occasional one will be broody and makes a great mom. They are hardy birds and generally in excellent health.
Egg Sizes:
208 per year approx
Egg Colours:
Top Egg Layers
ISA Brown
These birds were bred to produce eggs and lots of them. These are by far, the very best for first time chicken owners. They have very few problems while being relatively maintenance free.
Rhode Island Red
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
White Leghorn
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
Chicks to Add Colour
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
The Easter Egger
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
Blue Ameraucana
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.