ISA Brown
Top Choice For Beginners
Personable & People Friendly
Big egg producer
The best choice for 1st time enthusiasts. Great egg layers, 300+ medium sized brown eggs. Because of the volume of eggs produced, they may need supplemental protein as they convert this directly into egg production. Gentle and not flighty even around children, perfect for families. They also mature earlier than most and in usually 16 – 20 weeks will start laying. Most other hens take 4 – 6 weeks longer.
Egg Sizes:
300+ per year approx
Egg Colours:
Deeper Details
Egg Production
300+ medium brown eggs, one of the very best if you are looking for egg production and ease of care
Wonderfully low maintenance. Sweet, friendly and quiet mannered. A great choice for families with children.
Backyard Behaviour
Hardy and Docile, they get along well with humans, and tend not be flighty even around children
Top Egg Layers
ISA Brown
These birds were bred to produce eggs and lots of them. These are by far, the very best for first time chicken owners. They have very few problems while being relatively maintenance free.
Rhode Island Red
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
White Leghorn
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
Chicks to Add Colour
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
The Easter Egger
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.
Blue Ameraucana
Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.