Black Copper Marans

The Chocolate Egger Breed

Quiet & Gentle

Darkest Brown of all eggs.

While this breed is highly sought after, there are many challenges with breeding and raising this bird. Feathered legs need extra care. Feathers can be painfully plucked from other hens, more susceptible to scaly mites, and in cold wet weather frostbite can occur. Egg color can vary. The color can be dark brown, chocolate, russet brown, or even a copper tone. Whatever color the hen lays will lighten with age. When breeding for this very dark desirable color, many undesirable traits are lost of the standard characteristics typical of Marans. These birds are one of the most difficult to sex, but if hens are the only concern, English Maran chicks are the better bet. When ordering female chicks expect a rooster or two. The hen that lays the darkest eggs will lay the fewest. And when the eggs are exposed to air over time they will darken.

Egg Sizes:

150-200 per year approx







Egg Colours:

Dark Brown


Black Copper Marans Gallery

Things to Note

Egg Production

150 - 200 Medium to Large Dark Brown/Chocolate Eggs


Quiet & Gentle, the roosters can challenge others. While docile they don’t like to be cuddled.

Backyard Behaviour

Great foragers who tolerate the cold well.

Top Egg Layers


ISA Brown

These birds were bred to produce eggs and lots of them. These are by far, the very best for first time chicken owners. They have very few problems while being relatively maintenance free.


Rhode Island Red

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


White Leghorn

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.

Chicks to Add Colour



Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


The Easter Egger

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


Blue Ameraucana

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.