
Happy, Friendly and Social

Laid Back & Friendly

Multicolour Layers

Winter Hardy and dual purpose these are one of the most unique breeds. Cross bred with Auracana and one other breed. They come in many colors and lay many coloured eggs. And the muff and beards around their necks give the appearance of a hawk or chipmunk. They are slightly larger and not broody. They are great free rangers (which may not be so great for your gardens, but with plenty of space, you will love this breed). There are eight recognized colours for this breed: Black, Blue, Blue Wheaton, Brown Red, Buff, Sliver, Wheaton and White……phew.

Egg Sizes:

150-160 per year approx





Egg Colours:



Ameraucana Gallery

Deeper Details

Egg Production

Large sized blue eggs. Typically 3 to 4eggs per week.


A wide variety of behaviours because of the cross breeding, but generally they are very friendly and social birds.

Backyard Behaviour

They socialize well with others. Usually in the middle of the pecking order. Because they are smart about predators they are an excellent addition to a flock.

Top Egg Layers


ISA Brown

These birds were bred to produce eggs and lots of them. These are by far, the very best for first time chicken owners. They have very few problems while being relatively maintenance free.


Rhode Island Red

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


White Leghorn

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.

Chicks to Add Colour



Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


The Easter Egger

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.


Blue Ameraucana

Be sure to check out our resources page to help you prepare and resolve the few issues that may come up.